Amazing Grace overcomes horse asthma to continue her amazing work.

Equine asthma, OTHERS Equine health, OTHERS

Amazing Grace overcomes horse asthma to continue her amazing work.

A forage-based diet is best for almost any horse. However, forage has a big downside. It’s a top source of the respirable particles that infiltrate and irritate our horses’ respiratory...

2 min read
Practical Approach to Equine Respiratory Health

Equine, OTHERS Equine allergies, OTHERS

Practical Approach to Equine Respiratory Health

In February of 2020, France went into ‘confinement,’ or you may understand it as ‘lockdown.’ My family and I duly followed the rules and congratulated ourselves on our decision 13...

5 min read
Horse Care Cost Saving Tips

Cost saving, OTHERS Equine, OTHERS

Horse Care Cost Saving Tips

If there is one thing everyone can agree on in horses, it’s that they are expensive. I’ve always heard “there is no such thing as a free horse” and “the...

6 min read
Summer is Coming….

Equine health, OTHERS Haygain, OTHERS

Summer is Coming….

1. Made In the Shade: Horses should have access to shade throughout the day, especially during peak heat. The shade of trees can be ideal if it puts your horse in...

3 min read
Barn Upgrades for Horse Health - Air, air. My kingdom for fresh air!

Air quality, OTHERS Allergies, OTHERS

Barn Upgrades for Horse Health - Air, air. My kingdom for fresh air!

Horses are masters at injuring themselves. Anything sharp or protruding into their environment, or within their curious clutch, should be as horse-proof as possible and checked regularly. Door latches that...

6 min read
Disappointing performance may indicate early respiratory distress

Airway inflammation, OTHERS Allergies, OTHERS

Disappointing performance may indicate early respiratory distress

The connection between peak respiratory health and peak performance in our horses seems like a no-brainer. But you might be surprised to learn how subtle the symptoms of performance-affecting respiratory...

4 min read